Is a Resin Bound Surface Porous or Semi-Porous?

This is a photo of a Resin driveway carried out in Cheshire. All works done by Resin Driveways Cheshire

Is a Resin Bound Surface Porous or Semi-Porous?

Jun 1, 2023 | Blog

If you’re considering installing a resin driveway in Cheshire, UK, you may have come across the terms “porous” and “semi-porous” when researching the topic. It’s essential to understand the characteristics of a resin bound surface to make an informed decision about the best option for your driveway. This article examines the differences between porous and semi-porous resin bound surfaces and how they can benefit your driveway in Cheshire.


Resin Bound Driveways Cheshire

Resin bound surfaces are a popular choice for driveways in Cheshire due to their durability, aesthetic appeal, and low maintenance requirements. They consist of a mixture of natural aggregates and clear resin, which is then applied to a solid base. The resulting surface is smooth, seamless, and visually pleasing. But what sets porous and semi-porous resin bound surfaces apart?


What is Porous Resin Bound Surfaces

Porous resin bound surfaces are designed to allow water to drain through the material and into the ground beneath. They are permeable, allowing rainwater to pass through and soak into the soil. This feature helps to prevent water pooling on the surface, reduces the risk of flooding, and allows the natural groundwater system to replenish. Porous resin bound surfaces are an excellent choice for areas that require adequate water drainage, as they help to manage surface water runoff efficiently.


Semi-Porous Resin Bound

On the other hand, semi-porous resin bound surfaces have a reduced permeability compared to porous surfaces. While they still allow some water to drain through, they are designed to retain a portion of the water on the surface temporarily before it slowly filters into the ground. Semi-porous surfaces strike a balance between water drainage and water retention. This characteristic can be particularly beneficial for areas where water needs to be stored temporarily to prevent waterlogging or to support nearby plants and vegetation.


Choosing between a porous and semi-porous resin bound surface depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Porous surfaces are ideal for areas prone to heavy rainfall, as they help to minimise the risk of surface water runoff and flooding. They can also contribute to sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) by allowing rainwater to recharge the groundwater rather than overwhelming the local drainage infrastructure.


Semi-porous surfaces, on the other hand, can be a suitable option for areas where water retention is desired. This can be beneficial if you want to create a water feature or have nearby plants that require moisture. Additionally, semi-porous surfaces can help filtrate and purify rainwater as it gradually seeps into the ground.


 Whether you choose a porous or semi-porous resin bound surface for your Cheshire driveway, both options offer several advantages. These include excellent durability, a wide range of customisable designs and colours, low maintenance requirements, and resistance to weeds and oil stains.


To conclude, resin bound surfaces can be classified as porous or semi-porous depending on their water permeability. Porous surfaces allow water to drain through them, while semi-porous surfaces retain some water temporarily before it filters into the ground. Both have their own benefits and are suitable for different situations. When considering a resin driveway for your Cheshire home, consult a reputable driveway contractor who can guide you in choosing the appropriate option for your needs.


If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced resin driveway installer in Cheshire, look no further! Contact Resin Driveways Cheshire today for a free quotation. Call 01244-662688 to discuss your project and transform your driveway into a stunning, long-lasting resin-bound surface.

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